Max is a quick brown fox who jumps over the lazy dog. He slips under the gate, "Etaoin shrdlu!" he says as he disappears into the woods. There he sets puzzles for his friends and family, which he has asked us to share with you.
The first game Max has devised is a tricky version of the classic Hangman.
Like Hangman you try to guess the word, one letter at a time.
Guess a letter correctly—a hit—and it will be revealed with a green background.
However, if you get a letter wrong, another word is added—now you have twowords to guess, and so it goes on: each "miss" letter adds a word to the game.
A hit will reveal all the places that letter appears in all the words in play.
To complete the game, find all the letters in the words shown. The fewer words, the better!
Correct letters are shown with a green background. When a new word is added, any previous miss letters have a dark background, like the letters A, Y, and T in the picture below.
Miss letters have a dark background in the keyboard; correct letters green.
Every word in each game normally starts with a different letter.
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